Why Do Ferrets Need Taurine?

Many people do not realize the important issues you must consider before owning a ferret, and the most important issue is that they absolutely need taurine, an amino acid, to remain healthy and alive. Why exactly, do ferrets need taurine? Below, you will find the answer to this question, and so much more.
  1. What is Taurine?

    • Taurine is also known as 2-aminoethanesulfonic acid, and is an organic amino acid usually found in the bile and tissues of mammals. Taurine is also one of the only naturally occurring sulfonic acids, and is proven to be extremely helpful in preventing epileptic seizures and other conditions in humans and animals alike. The ferret greatly depends on its taurine intake.

    Ferret Health and Taurine

    • Taurine is important to ferret health because it is a neurally transmitted acid that communicates with muscles and the brain. This is particularly good for ferrets and other carnivorous mammals because it promotes healthy brain development. It also binds perfectly with retinol, which assures proper eye health in your ferret. The important thing to know about taurine is that is used on demand by your ferret's body and organs. This means that it is not stored in the body for later use, and is flushed out during urination. For this reason, ferrets require a high daily intake of this amino acid.

    Foods Ferrets Love

    • Most ferrets are finicky eaters, and are ordinarily creatures of habit. To avoid this, it is best to raise your ferret on a variety of foods, interchanging its meals to assure proper health. Incorporating taurine in your ferret's diet at least three times a day is recommended, and it is safe because it is impossible to overdose or take too much taurine. Some foods that ferrets like that are rich in taurine are darker-colored meats, like the organs of poultry (i.e. chicken liver, chicken hearts, etc.), and insect larvae. Red meat is also an excellent source of this amino acid.

    Feeding Your Ferret

    • Many people purchase ferrets because they are cute and furry, but fail to learn about the needs and requirements of their ferret. This often results in the ferret being fed a diet of strictly cat food, which is extremely unhealthy. It is true that felines do require taurine in their diets as well, and small amounts of the acid can be found in commercial cat foods, but the amounts are simply not enough for the needs of ferrets. There is a wide variety of healthy ferret foods on the market that contain adequate amounts of nutrients and acids that are essential to the health of your pet. Using these commercial ferret foods can be a great idea, but only if its diet is supplemented with fruits, vegetables, certain raw meats and insects.

    When Ferrets Don't Get Proper Nutrition

    • Ferrets face a varied assortment of health problems throughout their lives, due to genetic weaknesses and chronic issues related to their species, so a proper diet is extremely important. It should be combined with regular visits with a qualified veteranarian. Ferrets who do not get proper levels of taurine can become terribly sick, and even die. Taurine is extremely important for brain development and optical health, and ferrets who are lacking in this vital acid tend to develop brain tumors and cataracts on their eyes, sometimes resulting in seizure disorders and blindness. Going without taurine also affects the fur, teeth and nails of ferrets, which can cause their immune systems to fail.