How to Treat Gastrointestinal Disease in Ferrets

Gastrointestinal (GI) disease in ferrets is disturbing and should be treated as quickly as possible. GI upsets can be caused by several different things such as intestinal blockage, bacteria, viruses, parasites, ulcers and cancer. You will know that your ferret is sick because his stools will be frequent, watery or very loose, and could even contain blood. The ferret may also vomit. If your ferret displays any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately.


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      Know the symptoms. GI disease occurs when the gastrointestinal tract of a ferret becomes unbalanced. Symptoms include vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, loss of appetite, fever and abdominal swelling. Your ferret's abdomen may also be sensitive to touch.

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      Seek medical attention. If your ferret displays any of these symptoms, seek medical attention immediately. Contact your veterinarian or animal hospital. The vet will run a series of tests depending upon your ferret's symptoms. It is quite possible that lab tests and x-rays will be ordered. When a diagnosis is reached, the vet may treat the animal with antibiotics, steroids, intravenous fluids and bed rest.

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      Avoid food. If your ferret is vomiting or has diarrhea, take away his food. Just like humans with GI upsets, food will only exacerbate the problem and cause more symptoms. Take away his food until his GI tract is stable.

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      Offer water. Ferrets are small animals who dehydrate quickly without access to fresh water. If your ferret has diarrhea or is vomiting, leave a bowl of fresh water handy. He will know when he is ready to drink and replenish his fluids.

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      Consent to surgery. If the vet thinks your ferret has ingested a foreign body, she may advise exploratory surgery. Young ferrets are notorious for ingesting all types of objects that become lodged in their intestinal tract. When this happens, the best way to save your ferret is to allow the vet to perform surgery to remove the object.

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      Administer medications. If the vet prescribes medication to help your ferret's GI disturbance, be sure to give the medicines exactly as ordered. Depending on why your ferret is sick, you might be given antibiotics, steroids or anti-inflammatory drugs. If you have any questions about dosages, side effects or administration, speak with your ferret's doctor.