How does camouflage help a cheetah?

While cheetahs are known for their speed, not their camouflage, they actually do use it to their advantage in a few ways:

* Hunting: While not perfectly camouflaged, a cheetah's tawny spots and coat blend in with tall grasses and savanna landscapes. This helps them sneak closer to their prey without being noticed, giving them a surprise attack advantage.

* Hiding from predators: Cheetahs are vulnerable to larger predators like lions and hyenas. Their spots can help them blend in with their surroundings, making them less visible to these predators.

* Protecting young: Cheetah cubs are especially vulnerable, and their spots can help them blend into the grass while their mother is away. This provides a degree of protection from predators.

It's important to note that a cheetah's camouflage isn't as effective as that of some other animals. They are still quite visible, especially in open areas. However, their spots provide enough of a camouflage advantage to be helpful in their hunting and survival.