How did maggots get inside a living bunny?

Maggots are the larval stage of flies. They don't actively "get inside" a living bunny. It's more likely that the bunny has an open wound that flies have laid their eggs on. Here's a breakdown:

* Flies and Wounds: Flies are attracted to wounds, feces, and decaying matter.

* Egg-Laying: If a fly finds an open wound on a bunny, it might lay its eggs near or even inside the wound.

* Larvae Hatch: These eggs hatch into maggots, which then feed on the flesh and fluids in the wound.

* Myiasis: This condition, called myiasis, is a serious infection where maggots infest a living animal.

Important Note: If you see maggots on a bunny, it's crucial to seek veterinary attention immediately. Myiasis can be life-threatening if left untreated.