What do jaguars need for survival?


* Rainforests, swamps, and dry forests

* Dense vegetation for cover and hunting

* Proximity to water sources


* Large mammals such as deer, peccaries, tapirs, and capybaras

* Smaller mammals, birds, fish, and reptiles

* Access to salt licks


* Rivers, streams, ponds, or lakes

* Water for drinking and bathing

* Access to salt licks


* Jaguars are solitary animals, but they need to come together to mate

* Females need a suitable den site to give birth to and raise their cubs


* Jaguars need a large territory in order to find enough prey

* Males have larger territories than females

* Jaguars mark their territory with urine, feces, and scratch marks

Protection from Humans

* Jaguars are hunted for their fur and body parts

* Their habitat is being destroyed for logging, agriculture, and development

* Jaguars need protection from hunting and habitat loss