Body Parts of a Snow Leopard
1. Head: The snow leopard's head is round and broad, with a short muzzle and large, piercing blue eyes.
2. Ears: The snow leopard's ears are black-tipped and tufted, which helps them to stay warm in the cold mountain air.
3. Nose: The snow leopard's nose is black and moist, and it is used for sniffing out prey.
4. Whiskers: The snow leopard's whiskers are long and white, and they help it to navigate in the dark.
5. Fur: The snow leopard's fur is thick and luxurious, and it is colored white or light gray with black spots. The fur helps to keep the snow leopard warm in the cold mountain air.
6. Body: The snow leopard's body is long and muscular, and it is covered in thick fur.
7. Legs: The snow leopard's legs are long and powerful, and they allow it to run and jump with great agility.
8. Tail: The snow leopard's tail is long and bushy, and it helps the snow leopard to keep its balance when it is climbing or jumping.
9. Claws: The snow leopard's claws are sharp and retractable, and they help it to grip its prey and climb trees.