What to do if confronted with a black bear?

If you are confronted by a black bear, here are some tips to help you stay safe:

1. Remain calm. Avoid making sudden movements that may startle the bear and cause it to charge.

2. Make yourself look as large as possible. Stand up tall and spread your legs apart.

3. Speak assertively in a low voice. Say things like "go away bear" in a firm and authoritative tone.

4. Back away slowly without turning your back on the bear. Keep an eye on the bear as you retreat.

5. If the bear charges at you, fight back with anything you can find. Use sticks, rocks, or your backpack as weapons. Aim for the bear's eyes, nose, and mouth.

6. Play dead if the bear does not retreat or attacks. Curl up into a ball, cover your head and neck, and remain still. This will make you less appealing to the bear as a potential meal.

Here are some additional tips for avoiding bear encounters:

- Make noise when you are in bear country. Talk, sing, or clap your hands to let bears know you are in the area.

- Stay in groups. Bears are more likely to avoid groups of people.

- Avoid hiking at night. Bears are most active at dawn and dusk.

- Carry bear spray. Bear spray is a powerful deterrent that can help you stop a bear attack.

- Store food properly. Keep all food and scented items in bear-proof containers.

- Be aware of the signs of bears. Tracks, scat, and scratched trees are all indicators of bear activity.