What are the animals that eyes glow in dark?

Many animals have eyes that glow in the dark, but it's not exactly the eyes themselves that are glowing. It's a reflective layer called the tapetum lucidum that sits behind the retina. This layer reflects light back through the retina, allowing animals to see better in low light conditions. Here are some examples of animals with tapetum lucidum:


* Cats: Their eyes glow green or yellow.

* Dogs: Their eyes glow green or yellow.

* Horses: Their eyes glow green or yellow.

* Deer: Their eyes glow white or blue.

* Raccoons: Their eyes glow green or yellow.

* Wolves: Their eyes glow yellow.


* Owls: Their eyes glow yellow or orange.

* Hawks: Their eyes glow yellow or orange.

* Eagles: Their eyes glow yellow or orange.


* Alligators: Their eyes glow red.

* Crocodiles: Their eyes glow red.

* Snakes: Some species have eyes that glow yellow or green.


* Frogs: Some species have eyes that glow green or red.


* Sharks: Some species have eyes that glow green or yellow.


* Insects: Some insects, like moths and beetles, have eyes that reflect light, appearing to glow.

It's important to note that the color of the glow can vary depending on the animal and the light source.