* Chimpanzees: Known for tool use, problem-solving, social complexity, and even self-awareness.
* Bonobos: Exhibit similar intelligence to chimpanzees, but with more peaceful tendencies.
* Gorillas: Show problem-solving abilities, complex social structures, and communication skills.
* Orangutans: Famous for their tool-making abilities, including using sticks to extract honey from beehives.
Other mammals:
* Dolphins: Highly social creatures with complex communication, echolocation skills, and problem-solving abilities.
* Elephants: Exhibit strong family bonds, demonstrate empathy and grief, and have impressive memories.
* Pigs: Known for their intelligence, problem-solving abilities, and even their ability to play video games.
* Dogs: Highly trainable, demonstrate understanding of human emotions, and can learn hundreds of words.
* Rats: Considered incredibly intelligent, adept at problem-solving, and capable of learning complex tasks.
* Crows and Ravens: Known for their problem-solving skills, tool use, and ability to remember individual faces.
* Parrots: Exhibit excellent mimicry skills and a high degree of communication abilities.
* Cockatoos: Show a strong ability to use tools and solve problems.
* African Grey Parrots: Known for their exceptional language skills and even their ability to use language creatively.
* Octopuses: Considered the most intelligent invertebrates, capable of complex problem-solving, learning, and even tool use.
* Squirrels: Demonstrate remarkable spatial memory and complex problem-solving skills, particularly when accessing stored food.
It's important to note that this list is not exhaustive and other species likely possess remarkable intelligence in ways we may not yet fully understand.