At which level does the ferret diverge from domestic cat?

Ferrets and domestic cats belong to different orders within the class Mammalia:

* Ferrets belong to the order Carnivora, suborder Caniformia (dog-like carnivores).

* Domestic cats belong to the order Carnivora, suborder Feliformia (cat-like carnivores).

This means the divergence between ferrets and domestic cats happened a very long time ago, before the split between the dog-like and cat-like carnivores.

Estimated divergence times:

* Caniformia and Feliformia: Around 40-50 million years ago

* Mustelids (family of ferrets) and Felidae (family of cats): Even further back, within the Caniformia and Feliformia branches.

So, the divergence is at a very high taxonomic level - much higher than, for example, the level of species or genus.