Does a bear have predator?

It depends on the type of bear and its age.

Adult bears generally don't have many predators. They are powerful animals with strong claws and teeth, and they are very capable of defending themselves.

However, there are some exceptions:

* Wolves: In some areas, wolves can prey on bears, especially young cubs or weakened individuals.

* Larger bears: In areas where different bear species overlap, larger bears like polar bears can prey on smaller bears like black bears.

* Humans: Humans are a significant threat to bears, especially through hunting, habitat destruction, and accidental encounters.

Cubs are more vulnerable to predators than adults. They are smaller and less capable of defending themselves. Some common predators of bear cubs include:

* Wolves

* Cougar

* Brown bears (in areas where they co-exist)

* Other large predators

Overall, while adult bears have few natural predators, they face threats from humans and are vulnerable when they are young.