How to Install a Ferret Hammock

Ferrets need more than an empty cage with a bit of bedding. Being active, curious animals, they also need plenty of toys and accessories. Toys keep ferrets entertained while you are not around to supervise them. Hammocks provide opportunities to climb and play, and some ferret like sleeping in them. Whether you make your own hammocks or buy them from a pet store, it only takes a few minutes to hang one in the cage, immediately enriching a ferret̵7;s habitat.

Things You'll Need

  • Exercise pen
  • Cord
  • Scissors
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    • 1

      Remove the ferret or ferrets from the cage and place them in an exercise pen or ferret-proofed room. They might try and play with the hammock as you work, making installing it awkward.

    • 2

      Experiment with positioning the hammock so as it hangs slightly in the middle and there is a gap of several inches between it and the roof of the cage. Make a mental note of the distance between the ends of the hammock and the sides of the cage.

    • 3

      Cut four pieces of strong cord long enough to reach from the ends of the hammock to the mesh or bars of the cage, allowing a few extra inches

    • 4

      Push the pieces of cord through the holes in the hammock corners and tie the hammock securely into position. If the hammock came with its own ties or clips, use them instead.

    • 5

      Replace the ferrets and let them explore their new toy.