Supplies for a Ferret

Ferrets are small mammals closely related to the mink and otter, and some have been domesticated and bred to be kept as pets. Like most pets under the exotic pet classification they require specific care and supplies to keep them healthy and comfortable. Having the right supplies on hand to care for your ferret is a necessary step in making the best home for your pet.
  1. Food

    • Nutrition is the most important part of any pet care regimen. Ferrets are carnivorous and need food high in fat and protein and low in fiber. You can purchase specifically made ferret foods or high-quality kitten food. Use a high-quality food and don't switch foods often, or it can upset the ferret's digestive system. Food should be available at all times in a clean, open dish for easy access. A water bottle and constant supply of fresh water is a must. A bowl can be used; however, ferrets love to play in water, and a played-in water dish gets dirty and empty fast.


    • A ferret should be litter-trained in a box much like a cat. The litter box can be filled with any regular type of cat litter or wood shavings. A thin amount of litter is needed and should be cleaned daily. The box needs to be designed for a ferret, as cat litter boxes may be too high for the ferret to comfortably enter. However, they back up to urinate and may spray the wall or area behind them without a barrier.

    Cage and Bedding

    • A ferret needs a cage large enough for it to move about and sleep in, similar to a den so it can feel comfortable. Be sure the cage openings are small enough to keep them contained. If you use a cage with a wire bottom, cover it with a blanket or padding as ferrets have sensitive feet. Bedding should be soft and comfortable. Cat beds, pet hammocks, tubes and blankets are good choices. Ferrets like to burrow and hide, so give them materials to do this. Clean the bedding regularly by washing it at least once a week. Also, empty the cage and scrub it weekly to keep your ferret's home clean and fresh.

    Toys and Grooming

    • Ferrets are highly inquisitive and will find something to play with whether you give them toys or not. To keep them from turning everything in your house into a toy, give them hard, plastic toys designed for ferrets or human infants. Avoid items that can come apart when chewed. Wash the toys regularly to get rid of germs. Ferrets should be bathed but not more than once or twice a month. Water play in a kiddie pool or tub is great fun for them and keeps their fur free from debris without actually washing them. Nail clippers, a brush and ear care solution are needed for its weekly grooming regimen.