Owning a Ferret

Ferrets are great pets, but they are also very mischievous. Before you get a ferret, you have to make sure that it is the right animal for you. If you aren't willing to put up with your socks or keys being stolen from time to time, a ferret isn't for you. If you don't have at least a few hours a day to let your ferret out and play tag with it, you might want a different pet. If you want an intelligent, active, and adorable pet, however, a ferret might just be perfect.

Things You'll Need

  • Ferret
  • Cage
  • Cloth mat
  • Food dish
  • Ferret food
  • Ferret treats
  • Water bottle
  • Meat
  • Fruit
  • Tubes
  • Hammock
  • Other ferret toys
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      Examine the benefits and drawbacks to owning a ferret. Ferrets are great pets, but they are also a lot of work to take care of. They require a lot of attention, and can be expensive to care for. Follow the link below on ferret ownership before you make up your mind about whether this is the right pet for you.

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      Consider adopting. Many families buy pets for small children, only to give them away when the children prove too irresponsible to care for them. There are dedicated ferret shelters in many areas, as well as general animal shelters which occasionally take in ferrets. You may also be able to find a ferret through an online classified ad site such as Craigslist.

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      Give your ferret a good home. Get a ferret cage with a water bottle, a ceramic food dish, a few toys. Put a small throw rug or other cloth on the bottom of the cage for the ferret to stand on. A sleeping sack or hammock and a few toilet paper tubes to play with will help to keep your ferret happy. Keep the temperature between about 45 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the room clean and clear of things you don't want the ferret to play with when you take him out of the cage.

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      Get proper vet care for your ferret. Ferrets need to be spayed for health reasons. Also, get canine distemper shots for your ferret once a year. Most people choose to have the scent glands removed from their ferrets, a process called descenting. Like skunks, ferrets spray a smelly fluid when startled, but ferrets are not nearly as foul.

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      Feed your ferret the right food. High quality ferret food from a pet store provides a good basic diet. You can also give your ferret pieces of meat, and small pieces of fruit as treats. Many pet stores also sell ferret treats, which can be used to train your pet or give a special reward.

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      Play with your ferret. Ferrets are social animals, and need lots of time to run around and play. They love to play tag and to wrestle. Ferrets also like hiding things, so keep socks, keys, and other small objects away when you are playing.