How to Find a Ferret Breeder

Ferrets are wonderful companions, and offer a lifetime of fun and enjoyment for those who choose to own them. There are a variety of places to find a ferret, but breeders are often the venue of choice for most people.

Things You'll Need

  • Fully Prepared Ferret Living Quarters
  • List of Questions For Breeders
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  1. How To Find A Ferret Breeder

    • 1

      The most important step to preparing to find a ferret is assuring you have a proper habitat and living area set up for your new companion. Ferrets are naturally very curious, and if not well supervised and contained, will easily escape to go exploring. A study, large cage is essential for times when your ferret is not allowed supervised playtime. Be sure the room you let you ferret loose to play in is well watched, free of hazards such as electrical cords and poisons, and offers plenty of safe toys for play.

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      Once you've secured an appropriate place for your ferret, you can begin your search. The internet offers of wealth of information from all over the world. A search for "ferret breeders" will offer a good amount of information on breeders in your area. However, one of the best methods to find a breeder is local contacts and word of mouth. Find people locally who currently own ferrets, and see where they acquired theirs. Good breeders are well known and highly regarded, and finding someone locally you can discuss them with is an invaluable tool.

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      After you've decided on which breeder or breeders you are interested in, it's time to contact them. Most ferret breeders offer contact information to the public if they have pets available, and a simple phone call can get the ball rolling. Breeders will often ask you questions about yourself, your home, your lifestyle, what kind of area you have for your ferret, and anything else they think is important to placing a ferret with you. Feel free to ask them questions about their pets, and, if agreeable, ask to schedule a visit.

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      Visiting a breeder to view potential pets is an essential part of finding a ferret who fits you just right. The breeder will show you the ferrets they have available, and try and match you with the best potential pet they have. Once you've agreed on a pet, you can discuss any final points, such as purchase price, restrictions, or anything else either of you think is vital to the health and well being of your new ferret.

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      After an agreement has been reached and your ferret is available, it's time to head home. The breeder will most likely recommend an approved method of transport, usually consisting of a small pet carrier padded with bedding ti make your ferret feel safe on the ride home. Upon arrival, introduce your ferret to its new home, allowing it time to rest and relax before trying too much play. It's going to be a shock for the ferret, and it needs time to adjust to new surroundings. Within a few days, your new pet will be settled in, and ready to become a wonderful companion, and member of your family.