How to Correct Biting in a Ferret

Ferrets use their mouths as a tool, a means of defense and a way to communicate. When playing together, ferrets will nip at eat other and grab their friend with their mouth to drag him around the house. People who have pet ferrets, however, do not want their ferret biting them and other people so the behavior needs to be stopped.


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      Hold the ferret by the scruff of the neck until he calms down after he bites. After the ferret calms down put him down. After repeated attempts the ferret will learn that the biting behavior is not acceptable.

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      Put on a pair of gloves and pet and touch the ferret. If the ferret starts biting at the gloves, ignore the biting and keep petting her. The ferret will learn that the biting is not bringing a response and will eventually stop doing it. When the biting slows down remove one glove. Pet the ferret with the hand that does not have the glove on but keep that hand away from her mouth. After biting stops, remove the other glove.

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      Reward appropriate behavior. When you are playing with or petting the ferret and he is not biting, talk gently to him, touch him softly and give him treats.

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      Identify the reason for the biting. Pay attention to if it is only one person that the ferret bites or under certain circumstances only. Sometimes a particular scent, such as a perfume, can upset the ferret and cause her to bite. Or you might find that she only bites when she is tired and you try to play with her. If you can identify the cause you might be able to eliminate the cause and correct the behavior.