How to Keep a Pet Ferret

A ferret is a fun pet for many people. These gentle creatures are extremely intelligent and playful pets that are great for older children. But if you want to keep a pet ferret, there are some things you have to keep in mind so that your ferret is happy, healthy and a good pet for your family.


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      Decide whether a ferret is a good pet for you and your family. Ferrets will live about 6 to 8 years and are very intelligent and charming animals. However, they need a great deal of attention, may become destructive when bored, are good at escaping from enclosures and may be smelly.

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      Buy a proper cage for a pet ferret. The cage should be large enough for the ferret to run around with a separate sleeping and eating areas so they stay healthy. You may be able to give a ferret a litter box tray, provided your ferret doesn't play with it. Some families allow their ferrets free reign of their home, provided the home is ferret-proofed.

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      Be prepared to play and give attention to a pet ferret. Ferrets need play time with humans and with toys to be happy and healthy. Happy ferrets are less likely to be destructive out of boredom.

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      Consider getting your pet ferret another pet ferret. Ferrets tend to be less bored and less destructive with another ferret. They live longer and are healthier in pairs. If you get boy and girl pairs, consider neutering them.

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      Make sure ferrets are legal in your state. Many states will allow you to import a pet ferret in the case of a move, but will not allow you to adopt a new pet ferret.