1. Remain Calm: Avoid making sudden movements or noises. Speak calmly and firmly to the bear.
2. Don't Run: Running may trigger a chase response in the bear. Back away slowly, facing the bear.
3. Make Yourself Appear Larger: Raise your arms and make yourself look as large as possible. Clap your hands or make noise to scare the bear.
4. Don't Turn Your Back: Keep an eye on the bear as you back away slowly. Avoid turning your back.
5. Carry Bear Spray: If available, carry bear spray and know how to use it effectively.
6. Play Dead (if necessary): Only if the bear charges, fall to the ground and cover your neck with your hands, protecting your face. Remain still until the bear leaves.
7. Climb a Tree: If a tree is nearby and you can climb safely, do so. Bears can't climb well.
8. Group Together: If you're with a group, stay together and make yourselves appear larger.
9. Avoid Direct Eye Contact: Staring at a bear can be perceived as a challenge. Keep your eyes lowered.
10. Don't Leave Food: Keep your campsite and surroundings clean and free from food scraps that might attract bears.
11. Leave the Area: If possible, leave the area where the bear is.
12. Alert Others: If you come across other people, alert them about the bear's presence.
Remember, every situation is unique. If you encounter a bear, assess the situation and act accordingly, prioritizing your safety.