How to Bathe a Ferret

Bathing your ferret removes essential oils from his fur and skin. Your ferret only needs a bath about every 2 to 3 months, no more than once a month. Make bath time as easy and relaxed as possible. Most ferrets don't appreciate water, and almost all ferrets don't enjoy the shampoo.


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      Gather all your supplies. Only use veterinarian-approved flea shampoos for bathing your ferret. Over-the-counter flea shampoos and treatments can be toxic to your pet.

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      Get the water temperature right. A ferret's normal body temperature is higher than that of humans, so make the water warm but not hot. Bathe your ferret indoors, either in the tub or sink. Make sure the room is warm because ferrets get cold quickly as a result of their higher body temperature.

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      Lay a small towel on the bottom of the tub so your ferret has sure footing. Fill the water high enough to almost completely cover your ferret while he's standing on all fours. Put your ferret in the water.

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      Lather your ferret with shampoo, avoiding the eyes and ears. If you get shampoo in her eyes or ears while bathing, rinse them thoroughly with fresh water.

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      Rinse your ferret very well. Any shampoo left on his fur can dry out and irritate his skin. You can follow up with a ferret-safe conditioner but be sure to rinse that out completely, too.

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      Give your ferret warm towels from the dryer to burrow into while he dries. Drain the water, and place the towels in the back of tub. Your ferret burrows into them to dry. Make sure your ferret stays warm until she's dry.