Examples of color in The Scarlet Ibis?

- The scarlet ibis itself:

- The bird's vibrant red feathers are a striking contrast to the green foliage and blue sky of the setting.

- The protagonist's feelings:

- His internal struggles and emotional turmoil are often described in terms of color. For example, he feels "red" with anger or "blue" with sadness.

- The symbolism of red:

- The color red is often associated with passion, danger, and violence.

- In the story, the scarlet ibis can be seen as a symbol of the protagonist's own passionate and destructive nature.

- The contrast between light and dark:

- The story often uses light and dark imagery to create a sense of contrast and tension.

- For example, the protagonist's memories of his brother's death are often described in terms of darkness, while his memories of happier times are described in terms of light. This contrast highlights the protagonist's inner turmoil and the struggle between good and evil within him.