1. Centralized Government: A polis was governed by a central authority, which could be a monarchy, aristocracy, or democracy. The government had the responsibility of making and enforcing laws, managing public resources, and defending the city-state from external threats.
2. Citizenship: Only male citizens of a polis enjoyed full political and legal rights. Citizenship was usually determined by birth, and it carried certain duties, such as military service and participation in the assembly.
3. Assembly: Polis had an assembly where male citizens would gather to discuss and vote on important matters concerning the city-state. The assembly could pass laws, elect officials, and make decisions on public policies.
4. Agora: The agora was a central meeting place in a polis. It served as a marketplace, a place for public gatherings, and a location for philosophical discussions.
5. Temples: Religion played a vital role in polis life. Each polis had its patron deities and temples dedicated to them. These temples were not just places of worship, but also cultural and social hubs.
6. Education: Polis placed great emphasis on education. Young male citizens were educated in various disciplines such as philosophy, politics, literature, and physical education.
7. Military: The military was a crucial aspect of a polis. Male citizens were required to undergo military training and were ready to defend their city-state when needed.
8. Athletics: Sports and physical fitness were highly valued in a polis. Athletics competitions, such as the Olympic Games, were held to promote physical strength, courage, and camaraderie.
9. Cultural Identity: Polis had a strong sense of cultural identity, which included common language, customs, values, and traditions. This cultural identity was a source of pride and unity within the polis.