What is the name of law that protects Tasmanian devil?

There isn't a single law specifically named to "protect the Tasmanian devil". Instead, protection comes from a combination of laws and regulations, both at the state and federal level in Australia.

Here are some key pieces of legislation that contribute to Tasmanian devil conservation:

* The Tasmanian Devil (Facial Tumour Disease) Act 2005 specifically addresses the devil facial tumor disease (DFTD) and empowers the Tasmanian government to manage it.

* The Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 (Cth) lists the Tasmanian devil as an endangered species under the federal government, granting it protection.

* The National Parks and Wildlife Act 1971 (Tas) allows the Tasmanian government to establish protected areas and manage wildlife populations.

These laws, along with other regulations and programs, aim to protect the Tasmanian devil through measures such as:

* Population monitoring and research: Studying DFTD and other threats, tracking devil populations, and developing disease management strategies.

* Habitat conservation: Protecting and restoring devil habitat through land management and conservation programs.

* Captive breeding: Maintaining healthy populations in zoos and research facilities to ensure genetic diversity and support reintroduction programs.

* Disease control: Implementing biosecurity measures to prevent the spread of DFTD and other diseases.

While there isn't a single law named "The Tasmanian Devil Protection Act," the combined efforts of these legislative frameworks and dedicated research and conservation programs are crucial for the survival of this iconic species.