What are hares whiskers used for?

Hares' whiskers, also known as vibrissae, are not used for anything specific. They are sensory organs that help hares navigate and sense their surroundings.

Here's how they work:

* Tactile receptors: Each whisker contains a rich network of nerve endings that are highly sensitive to touch.

* Detecting movement: Hares use their whiskers to detect even the slightest movement in the air or nearby objects. This is especially important for navigating in dense vegetation or low-light conditions.

* Navigating obstacles: Whiskers help hares "feel" their way around obstacles, preventing them from bumping into things.

* Prey detection: Whiskers are also crucial for detecting prey, especially small rodents, insects, and other invertebrates.

While hares don't use their whiskers for a specific task like humans use their fingers, they are essential for their survival and well-being.