The Best Ways to Potty Train Ferrets

For obvious reasons, potty-training is high on the ferret owners' list of things they would like their pet to do. It can be done, but owners must be willing to put in the time and effort. Methods used for housebreaking dogs and cats don't usually work for ferrets.Since food going into a ferret leaves the ferret in a three- to four-hour cycle, the animal needs to eliminate waste at least six times daily.
  1. Litter Boxes

    • Like cats, ferrets can use a litter box. Although boxes designed for cats will work, ferrets prefer the type specifically made for them. According to Pet Place, ferret litter boxes are triangular. The front is lower than the sides, so ferrets can easily access it. Be sure to choose the proper litter. Do not use scoopable litter for ferrets, as it can get caught on fur and ingested when the animal licks it off, causing intestinal blockage. Also out are cedar or wood shavings, which can cause respiratory ailments. Recycled paper or pine pellets are the best choices for ferrets. For best results, keep multiple litter boxes around the house, placing them in corners. Keep boxes clean.

    Cage Training

    • Before allowing the ferret run of the house or certain rooms, make sure it is trained to use the litter boxes in its cage. Put the litter boxes in at least two corners of the cage, and make sure they cannot be tipped over. Play with your ferret for a few minutes, then put it into the cage and do not allow it out until it has used the litter box. Give plenty of praise when the job is done, and reward it with a treat. According to Pamela Troutman, author of "Potty-training Ferrets," limit free time to two-hour sessions, then put them back in the cage to use the box.


    • Online journalism will never replace newspapers in this regard. In addition to litter boxes, spread newspapers in areas where free-roaming ferrets like to hide, such as under the sofa, behind doors, and especially in the corners. Ferrets will generally use them and cleanup is simple.

    Vanilla Extract

    • According to Randy Horton, a ferret shelter director, vanilla extract is one of a ferret's favorite fragrances. Adding a few drops of the substance to its cage's litter boxes is a ferret magnet, but do not place it anywhere but the box. Once the animal is regularly using the cage box, put some vanilla extract on a sponge and wipe it along the top of the litter boxes in the area where the ferret can roam.