What are the danger for vampire?

Vampires, as mythical creatures of folklore, do not exist in the real world. They are often depicted in fictional stories and portrayal of their dangers of fears can vary widely depending on the particular vampire lore or universe. However, here are some common themes:

1. Sunlight/UV Rays: In traditional vampire folklore, sunlight is often seen as fatal or weakening to vampire. Exposure to sunlight can cause vampires to burn or disintegrate.

2. Wooden Stakes: Driving a wooden stake through the vampire's heart is frequently depicted as a way to kill them.

3. Garlic and Silver: Some vampire stories describe garlic as a repellent and silver as harmful or lethal to them.

4. Holy Symbols and Religious Objects: Religious symbols such as crosses and other holy objects are sometimes said to ward off or hurt vampires.

5. Mirrors: Reflections in mirrors can be a taboo or dangerous to vampires, in some portrayal, they may not have reflection or looking in a mirror can cause discomfort or distress to them.

6. Running Water: Vampire may have difficulty crossing running water, such as rivers or streams, according to certain folklore.

7. Invitations: In some vampire stories, vampire are unable to enter a person's home without being invited.

8. Fire and Heat: Fire is often depicted as damaging to vampire.

9. Vulnerability to certain magical items: Fiction may sometimes attribute specific vulnerability or weaknesses to vampires related to certain magical items, herbs, spells or rituals.

10. Blood Addiction: While not considered a danger, the portrayal of vampires often revolves around their dependence on blood, and the risk of losing control over or becoming overwhelmed by their thirst.

It is important to note that these are fictional portrayal and interpretation, and the concept of vampire danger can vary widely in different works of literature, movies and folklore.