How do you tell if a ferret is mean or nice?

There are several signs that can help you determine if a ferret is mean or nice. Here are a few things to look for:

- Body language: A mean ferret may display aggressive body language, such as puffed up fur, a raised tail, and ears that are laid back. A friendly ferret, on the other hand, will typically have relaxed body language, with its fur lying flat and its tail down.

- Behavior: A mean ferret may be more likely to bite, scratch, or lash out when handled or approached. A nice ferret will be more playful and cuddly, and will enjoy interacting with people.

- Temperament: Mean ferrets may be more high-strung and quick to anger, while nice ferrets tend to be more laid-back and friendly.

It's important to note that not all ferrets are created equal, and there can be a lot of individual variation. Some ferrets may be more naturally aggressive than others, and some may have specific triggers that can cause them to behave aggressively. If you are concerned about the behavior of your ferret, it is always a good idea to consult with a veterinarian or animal behaviorist.