Why are lace monitor endangered?

Loss of habitat: Due to agricultural activities and urban expansion, the Lace Monitor has lost a significant portion of its natural habitat. Deforestation, clearing of woodlands, and land use changes have reduced their range and fragmented populations.

Illegal hunting and poaching: Lace Monitors are hunted for their meat, skin, and for use in traditional medicine. They are also occasionally captured and kept as pets. This illegal trade poses a major threat to the species' survival.

Climate change: The Lace Monitor is sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation. Climate change affects the availability of food and nesting sites, alters weather patterns, and disrupts the species' breeding and hibernation cycles.

Predation and competition: Lace Monitors face predation from feral animals introduced into their habitat, such as cats and foxes. Additionally, they compete with other carnivorous species for food resources.

Insufficient legal protection: The Lace Monitor has limited legal protection in some areas, making it vulnerable to exploitation. Inadequate enforcement of regulations can contribute to the illegal trade and hunting.