- Why are stallion horses expensive?
- Are snow leopards faster than a horse?
- What happens when you breed a small stallion to tall mare?
- How do you breed horses on petz horse club for PC?
- What color horse will you get if breed a buckskin stud to blue roan mare?
- I want a wild horse how can i get one because to protect horses?
- If you breed a cremello mare to palomino stud what colors can I expect?
- Can a stud breed bred mare?
- What is the recommended time to breed a miniature horse back after birth?
- Can a miniature horse be kept with regular sized horses?
- On horses 2 how do you get to where are able breed your horse?
- What is the most baby horses born at one time?
- How does horses raise their young?
- What stops donkeys and horses mating?
- What are signs that a maiden mare will give birth very soon?
- What color foal do you get when breed a chestnut mare to red roan?
- How do you get your foal to grow on pony island?
- Can horses have twins and will they survive?
- Is it that there is 10000000000 horses in MI?
- Does the age of sire effect gestation time for a horse?
- Are Morgan horses better than quarter horses?
- If you breed a mustang stallion and paint mare what will the foal be?
- What time of year do horses have colts?
- How long can a horses love?
- Do mules engage in courtship matting behaviors and if so why?
- How much does a pure bred horse cost?
- What are the chances of having a healthy foal if mare was bred by her own offspring?
- Can you breed a miniature horse to percheron horse?
- Horses should not breed at what age?
- How long to horses stay pregnant in sims 3?
- What is the benefit of breeding horses while young?
- Your stallion is 2 he ok to breed?
- How big can Connamara horses get?
- What horses do you breed to get a mustang on Howrse?
- Which Godolphin horses have won the Derby?
- Where can you breed your horses on petz horse shoe ranch for nintodo?
- Are male horses more domminant than females?
- Are Chincoteague horses easy to ride?
- How do you make a stallion come to you?
- Why are there nurse mare foals?
- How many horses on howrse can you bid in one day?
- About how many genes do horses have?
- Does breeding a mare to an apposing bloodline contaminate the for so many foals thereafter opposing was bred mare?
- If a mare gets pregnant before foal is weaned can the unborn die?
- What colour zebriod will you get if breed a zebra and appaloosa leopard horse?
- What is the gestation period of appaloosa horses?
- What horse is better for racing a Paint or an Appaloosa?
- Are appaloosa horses good for kids?
- How high do skewbald horses get?
- Are horses bred to be slaughtered for their meat?