Good Things About Breeding Horses for Strength

Breeding programs typically focus on promoting certain traits and eliminating others from the bloodline or breed. Well-bred horses are typically strong, athletic and attractive. Horses that are not well bred may exhibit a number of genetic flaws, especially if the sire or dam exhibited the same flaws. When breeding horses for a specific characteristics, there are both benefits and downsides. Horses that are bred specifically for strength will hold advantages for certain disciplines and uses.
  1. Horses Bred for Strength

    • Certain types and breeds of horses have been bred predominantly for their strength, while others are bred for speed or appearance. Horses that are bred for strength include all of the large draft breeds such as Clydesdale, Percheron and Belgians as well as the Australian Stock Horse, Icelandic horse and Appaloosa. These breeds have cultivated strength until it has become a trait of the breed. Horses that are bred for strength have a number of different uses.


    • Strong horses are typically also reasonably athletic animals with a significant amount of muscle and heavier bone structure. These characteristics tend to make strong horses better athletes. Breeders who are looking to breed for strength often take into consideration health and stamina as well, which also aid in making the horses more talented and effective athletes.


    • In terms of health, the stronger a horse is, the less likely it is to suffer strains and other work- and use- related injuries. Weaker horses are more likely to be injured during the course of normal activity than those that are bred for strength.

    Job Performance

    • Horses have been used for centuries to carry people and cargo as well as pull heavy loads before vehicles such as tractors and cars became commonplace. The stronger horses can pull heavier loads and work more quickly than smaller, weaker animals. Horse-drawn buggies and plows were most effective when pulled by the largest, strongest horses available. Draft horses were ideal for this work. They also carried soldiers in full battle armor during previous centuries.