How to Pick the Stallion for Horse Breeding

Breeding your mare requires serious considerations in order to make sure she successfully produces a foal of high standards. Choosing the right stallion is of the utmost importance, so do plenty of research first. Also consider whether to artificially inseminate your mare or allow "live cover," in which the stallion physically inseminates the mare.


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      Have your mare examined by a vet. The physical examination will help determine whether she is able to carry a foal for the full term and remain healthy. The examination should also include a "reproductive soundness" test to ascertain her reproductive health. She will be tested with ultrasound and her internal system will be tested for cysts, tumors and fluids. During her breeding season, she must be in the right stage of cycling and be on a good diet.

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      Consider your reasons for breeding your mare. Choosing a stallion for breeding requires that you think about the foal's desired potential. If the purpose is to race the foal, your stallion should be chosen from thoroughbred or good racing breeding stock. You also may breed for color or breed, such as Arabian or Palomino.

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      Select the right stallion based on its character, performance and temperament. Contact a stud farm via an equine magazine and make an appointment to speak to or visit, with a view to selecting from their stock or breeders or clients. Lay eyes on the stallion if possible. Good temper and a mild manner are excellent qualities in any riding.

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      Find out the stallion's breeding history and fertility percentage. Regardless of how good the percentages are, no guarantee exists that your mare will become pregnant. You may have to attempt the breeding more than once.

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      Ask to see the stallion's veterinary records to ensure no history of transmittable disease exists in the blood line of your selected stallion, if using live cover. If you are using artificial insemination, these details will be logged in the stallion's file. He should be clear of any inheritable illnesses or defects, as well as any behavior disorders.