How Do You Breed Two of Your Horses Together?

Horse breeding for money is a specialized skill used to carry bloodlines of stallions or mares. Breeding requires specialized knowledge of breeding days and gestation. Breeding the right stallion with the right mare to produce the best possible foal is a scientific skill. Stallions and mares used for breeding go through genetic and physiological testing before marketing. The worth of a horse is valued according to its health, its genetic line and the foals it has produced.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 handlers
  • Guide tack
  • Rounded pen
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    • 1

      Learn the natural breeding season of a mare. Spring is the natural breeding season for mares, but artificial light can prompt the mare to go into heat early.

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      Select the stallion you want your mare to breed with. Stallions are high-strung and require expert handling during a mating session to protect the mare from getting hurt.

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      Hold the mare in a rounded pen, giving her a sense that she can escape if she feels threatened. One handler needs to hold the mare's head still, preventing the mare from attacking the stallion as she is mounted.

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      The second handler should lead the stallion up to the hind quarters of the mare. The must be slow and direct. Do not let the stallion mount the mare from the side.

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      Protect the mare from the excited stallion by keeping her still. The stallion needs to mount the mare squarely from the back.

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      Check for insertion of the stallion's penis into the vaginal cavity of the mare. The stallion does not pump to ejaculate like a human does. Once inside the mare, ejaculation occurs within minutes.

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      Dismount the stallion after ejaculation. You will know when the stallion ejaculates because the horse will groan. Take the stallion back to his stall.

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      Walk the mare around the pen for 5 to 10 minutes. Do not allow the mare to stop walking after mating because she has a natural instinct to eject the semen of the stallion. Walking prevents her from ejecting the semen.