How to Hand Breed a Mare With a Foal at Side

Breeding horses can be rewarding, but it can also be difficult. In nature, a stallion will breed mares with their suckling foals close by. But in todays world, we must be careful in our small pens and paddocks. A mother worried for her foal is hardly likely to be a willing breeder. This article will give you some tips on how to breed a mare with a foal at side.


    • 1

      Separate the mare and her foal and turn them into a roomy private paddock once she has been determined to be in standing heat. The stallion should be turned in with her, and allowed to breed at will. This is safest for all involved.

    • 2

      Tie the mare to a stout post, and secure her foal immediately in front of her in a small pen or stall if Step 1 is not an option. The stallion is then led in, the mare covered, and the foal reunited with his dam once the mating is complete.

    • 3

      Allow the foal to be loose while the mare is tied to the post and bred. This is usually okay, but can be tricky as the foal may bolt from all the noise and fuss and cause the mare to become agitated as she worries about her foal. This is not recommended.

    • 4

      Have a second person hold the foal in front of the tied mare while she is being covered by the stallion. This is almost as good as the Step 2, except that you need an experienced horse person to hold the foal. By no means should you ever tie a foal, they are too young and can injure or kill themselves.

    • 5

      Turn the stallion in with a herd in a large pasture, as a last option. He will determine which mares are ready for breeding, and--if they have foals--the foals will naturally stay out of the way, or the dams will be able to break from the stallion and take care of their foals if they feel it necessary.