How to Handle a mid breeding stallion

Breeding horses is rewarding, but can also be challenging. Most people think that a stallion is a breeding machine, and that there will be no problem with his libido or his ability to cover a mare. Surprisingly, there are stallions out there who are shy breeders. This article will give you some tips on how to breed the timid stallion.


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      Ask why your stallion is timid. Perhaps he is young and inexperienced. Perhaps he has been harmed in the past by a mare who rejected him. Maybe he just has lower testosterone. Knowing the main cause of his shyness can help you to overcome his breeding issues. So ask questions if you do not know his history already.

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      Address the cause of his shyness. Most timid stallions can learn to be active breeders again with the cooperation of a very docile and predictable broodmare. Secure a mare that has always shown strong heat, had several foals, and will show standing heat to your timid stallion.

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      Turn him in with this experienced mare when she is in full heat. A small, private paddock is best. If you must observe, try to do so from a distance or else hide yourself. Believe it or not, some stallions prefer not to have a human audience. The mare will often solve the shy breeder's problems by gently, but persistently, insisting she be bred.

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      Tie your mare to a stout post if pasture breeding is not an option. Halter your stallion and lead him to the mare. Watch him closely in case he suddenly decides to "wake up." Take as much time as he needs to sniff the mare wherever he would like to sniff her. Insist he pay attention to her. Make sure there are no distractions. If need be, pick up her tail and drape it over his nose. Eventually, nature should take its course and he should attempt to breed. Praise him. Again, take as much time as he needs to complete the act.

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      Have the stallion evaluated by a veterinarian if you have tried the above methods without success. There could be something wrong with his hormones or another physical issue that needs to be addressed in order for him to breed.