How to Deliver a Healthy Foal

Horse lovers enjoy watching their mares deliver new foals. In most cases, the birth goes smoothly and without incident. Most mares can deliver the foal without help, but you can assist with the birth if you'd like to be more active in the process. It's wise to have a phone and your vet's number on hand just in case.


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      Prepare for the delivery of the foal. Prep the mare and clean the stall to assure the best conditions for the newborn.

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      Look for signs of labor. You can install a camera system to monitor the progress of the mare or you can set up an area in the stable to quietly and discreetly watch and listen. Any disturbances can upset the mare and prolong or halt labor.

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      Go into the stall when the water has broken and the mare is in active labor. Walk around to the mare's rear end and see what's going on. Usually, the foal's nose and front two legs are sticking out at this stage. If nothing's happening but you can see that the mare is pushing, call your vet right away.

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      Help deliver the foal. When the mare is pushing, gently pull the foal straight out. Use a dry towel and hang onto the front legs to do this. Keep one leg slightly ahead of the other to help deliver the shoulders. Let the mare rest after the shoulders are delivered. When labor starts again, pull at a downward angle to rotate the foal's pelvis and make delivery of the hips a bit easier.

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      Allow the mare and foal to bond after the foal is fully delivered. Get yourself cleaned up and arrange for your vet to come check out both mare and foal within 24 hours of the birth.