How to Create a Foaling Kit

When a mare foals things can happen very quickly. It is important to have everything you might need assembled in one place for easy access when the time comes. You may have to tailor the foaling kit some to make it specific to your mare and your climate and time of year that the foal is due, but most of the items are universal. Read on to learn how to create a foaling kit.


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      Locate a container for your foaling kit. It must be able to keep the contents clean and dry in a barn environment. Examples include Rubbermaid tubs with a secure lid or a waterproof duffel bag.

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      Items that you will need for yourself include hand sanitizer, latex gloves, a flashlight, extra batteries, a watch and a notebook for noting time water broke, time foal was born, time the foal first stands, time the placenta passes and time of first nursing. You will also need a cell phone or nearby barn phone with vets emergency numbers.

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      Items needed for the mare include a bucket with fitted lid to contain the placenta until the vet can examine it, vet wrap or ace bandage for wrapping the tail, sharp scissors for opening the placenta or sac if necessary, baling twine for tying up the placenta and chain shank in case she needs to be restrained.

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      Items needed for the foal include several freshly laundered towels for drying and stimulation, iodine and 12cc syringe kit for dipping the navel, suction bulb, one saline enema and two mineral oil enemas, string from feed bag to tie off umbilical cord if it is bleeding, 8 oz. human baby bottle with nipple slightly enlarged and a plastic measuring cup to milk into then pour it into the bottle.

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      General use items to include are a thermometer, Vaseline, a camera and a stethescope.