How to Understand Horse Gestation

When breeding horses, take some time to learn about the intricacies of horse gestation. A broad knowledge of the gestation process allows you to breed and raise healthy mares and foals. Learn how to understand horse gestation by following these steps.


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      Learn the average gestation period for pregnant mares is 340 days, or between 11 and 12 months. Calculate the mare's due date by subtracting 25 days from the date that she is bred. A full-term foal can be born 10 days before or 10 days after this due date.

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      Know the signs of a mare about to foal. The mare's abdomen becomes pointed at the lowest area, her hip and tail muscles drop down and her vulva becomes enlarged. The veins on her belly become large, teats become full with milk and milk may drip from the nipples. When a mare exhibits these signs, the foal should be born within a few days or less.

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      Understand what to do when a foal is being born. From the time the mare lays down to push the foal out to the time the foal is completely born takes about 25 minutes. If the mare is struggling and taking longer than 35 minutes, call the veterinarian immediately. If you must help pull the foal out, grab the front legs and pull downward, towards the mare's heels. If any part of the foal is emerging before the front hooves, call a veterinarian immediately.