What is the number one horse breed in world?

It's impossible to definitively say which horse breed is the "number one" in the world. There are many factors to consider, like:

* Population: Some breeds have a larger overall population than others.

* Popularity: Certain breeds are more popular in specific regions or for particular disciplines.

* Economic importance: Breeds that are heavily used in agriculture or for specific work have a significant economic impact.

However, some breeds are consistently among the most popular and widely distributed:

* Thoroughbred: Renowned for racing and known for its athleticism and stamina.

* Arabian: One of the oldest breeds, known for its endurance, beauty, and intelligence.

* Quarter Horse: Famous for its speed over short distances and agility, popular for rodeo and western riding.

* Morgan: Versatile breed known for its intelligence, docility, and athleticism.

* American Paint Horse: Known for its striking paint coat pattern and versatility.

Ultimately, the "number one" horse breed is a matter of perspective and what criteria you prioritize. Each breed has its own unique qualities and contributions to the world of horses.