Here's what might be meant by "mottled pony":
* Appaloosa: Known for their spotted coat patterns, some Appaloosa ponies can have a "mottled" appearance, with patches of different colors.
* Paint Horse: Also known for their color patterns, some Paint ponies can have "mottled" appearances with white and another color, like bay or chestnut.
* Other breeds: Some ponies of other breeds might have a mottled coat due to genetics or genetic mutations. This is not a typical trait, but can occur.
To understand "mottled pony" better, you'll need more context:
* What breed of pony is it? Knowing the breed will help determine if it's a common or unusual pattern.
* What does the coat pattern look like? A description of the pattern, like "patches of white on a bay coat" would be helpful.
* Is there a specific name for the pattern? Some color patterns have specific names, like "overo" or "tobiano" in Paint Horses.
With more information, we can give you a more accurate answer about what "mottled pony" means.