How many gaits can a horse have?

Horses can have four basic gaits:

* Walk: A four-beat gait with a slow, relaxed pace.

* Trot: A two-beat gait with a faster pace and a distinctive "diagonal" footfall pattern.

* Canter: A three-beat gait with a faster pace than the trot and a more flowing motion.

* Gallop: A four-beat gait with the fastest pace and a "suspended" moment where all four feet are off the ground.

However, some horses also possess additional, more specialized gaits beyond these four basic gaits. These are often referred to as "gaited breeds" and include:

* Running Walk: A four-beat gait that is smoother than the walk but faster.

* Fox Trot: A four-beat gait with a smooth, rhythmic movement.

* Rack: A four-beat gait with a quick, high-stepping movement.

* Paso Fino: A four-beat gait with a very smooth, rhythmic movement.

* Tennessee Walking Horse: A unique gait with a "running walk" and a "stepping" action.

So, depending on how you define "gait," the answer can vary between four and many more depending on the breed of horse and its training.