How to Identify an Andalusian Horse

The Andalusian is one of the most elegant and ancient of breeds. Known all over the world for its astonishing beauty and its natural Dressage carriage, the Andalusian is relatively easy to identify.


  1. Identifying the Andalusian

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      Looking at an Andalusian is like looking at one of the statues of horses in Rome, or Spain or the countless other ancient cities around the world. They are classically beautiful, uniquely elegant and unmistakable in appearance. Once you have seen an Andalusian horse in real life, you will never have any trouble identifying it again. Identification can take place by looking at the head, body and carriage.

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      Look at the head of the Andalusian. It should be straight or slightly convex--which means it actually curves slightly outward from its forehead to its nose. The eyes are large, and the forehead very broad and noble in appearance. The ears are tipped forward and well shaped. The face may be somewhat long but never coarse or "weedy" appearing. The nostrils will be large and well defined, with fine skin. The mane is usually profuse and flows heavily over eyes and forehead, often down to the end of the nose itself.

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      Next, observe the body. It should be strongly built and compact, and stand a large 15.2-16.2 hands tall. The joints should be large and well formed, with the cannons being exceptionally dense and short. The croup and rear will be rounded and heavily muscled, but maintain elegance and noble carriage. The most common color is gray, although bay, chestnut and black are also accepted.

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      Watching the Andalusian in motion is like watching a ballet. They naturally carry themselves with a lofty, bouncing gait that appears effortless. This translates very easily into the high schooling art of Dressage, which is the closest thing to ballet on horseback that there is. With its powerful body and low hocks and heavy bone, the Andalusian can physically handle the tremendous strength demands of the higher riding movements.

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      The disposition of the Andalusian should be tractable, intelligent and proud. With their size and strength, it is important that they have excellent temperaments in order to remain trainable and yet the natural fire that displays itself in their gaits needs to be present as well.