- What are 15 breeds of horses?
- What breed of horse originate from Germany?
- Do horse foals cry when they are young?
- How old do you have to be go horse riding?
- How big are shetland pony when born?
- How do beluga whales breed?
- Do different breeds of horses live well together?
- What breed of horse is a charger?
- Are there more mares than stallions in a herd?
- What happens if a filly is bred at just year old?
- What age do ponies live up to?
- How many pounds does a grown horse weigh?
- What color do you get when breed a palomino horse to grey horse?
- Why do they call mares broodmare if a mare can have babies too?
- Is a quarter horse better then an Arab?
- What is a AQHA Mare?
- How did the body size of horse change during its evolution?
- Can a top thoroughbred beat cheetah in 2 mile race?
- Of the 267 breeds of horses and ponies how many are spotted breeds?
- What are the main breeds of horses?
- What is the best horse breed for starting a small farm?
- What vertebrate group is a horse?
- The brumby is a breed of horse from where?
- What is the most babies a mare can have?
- Who is stronger cheetah or leopard?
- Why is your horse brown and white?
- Was Matt horse a buckskin breed?
- Are there any wild horse breeds in America?
- Is a trakehner real breed of horse or myth like unicorn?
- Why does the male sea horse have babies?
- Do seahorses come in different color?
- How big is a adult seahorse?
- How do seahorses grow and develop?
- How do seahorsen breed?
- Does a sea horse have scales?
- Which is bigger an emu or cassowary?
- Can a horse run faster than an ostrich?
- What does the Flock look like in Maximum Ride?
- How long do Belgian horses live?
- What are pro stallions?
- How many babies does a tui lay?
- How many American Quarter Horses are in the world?
- How do you tell if a foal is colt or fillie?
- What does a potbelly seahorse look like?
- In horse years how old would a 28 yr be?
- How big do palomino horses get?
- What is the role of lead stallion in wild horse herd?
- What horse breed should you get?
- What does a draft horse look like?
- What is a colour that horses are most scared of?