How to Feed Horses Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

Black oil sunflower seeds (BOSS) are a new item in the world of horse nutrition. They are packed with vitamins and minerals, and many horses love the taste as well. Some will even raid bird feeders to get them if they are not included in their daily feed. Horses that eat BOSS also tend to have thicker, shinier, healthier coats and, when administered in higher quantities, can help with regulated weight gain.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitchen scale
  • Measuring cup
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  1. How to Feed Horses Black Oil Sunflower Seeds

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      Get your horse tested for Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis (HYPP). This muscular disorder can be triggered by high amounts of potassium in a horse's diet. BOSS are high in potassium, so you need to be sure your horse does not have HYPP before you start the BOSS regimen. A veterinarian will need to do this test.

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      Start out slowly. Most horses love BOSS once they get used to them, but they may hesitate to eat them at first simply because it is a new ingredient in their feed. Mix in small amounts of BOSS until you reach 2 pounds in their food a day. If you are going to add more than 2 pounds a day to their diet, consult a veterinarian first since it could lead to your horse being overweight.

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      Measure out the BOSS each time you feed your horse. Due to seasonal variations in the growing cycles of BOSS, sometimes you may have as many as 5 or 6 cups of BOSS in a pound, whereas other times you may have only 2 or 3 cups. Use the kitchen scale and the measuring cup to get the weights measured.