What Is the Best Food for Your Horse?

Choosing the right food for your horse may not be as simple as you think. There are several factors to be taken into consideration. Individual horses may require variations in diet. For example, if a horse has any type of health issue or vitamin deficiency he may have special dietary requirements. It is imperative to know the horse and his needs to ensure that he receives proper nutrition.
  1. Grass and Hay

    • It is a horse's natural inclination to graze in small amounts throughout the day. Grass is the most natural source of feed for your horse. Horses have sensitive digestive systems and relatively small stomachs. They cannot handle large feedings in one sitting.


    • Horses need adequate water to aid in proper digestion. A fresh supply of water should always be available for your horse.


    • Horses need a balanced diet that contains protein, fiber, carbohydrates, fat and vitamins and minerals. Always feed your horse the best quality feed you can. Cheap sources may not contain proper nutrition and can lead to illness.

    Feed Sources

    • Horses also enjoy hay, oats, barley and mixed feed in pellet form. Horses enjoy treats such as apples and carrots.


    • Try to keep feeding to a regular routine. Any changes in feeding should be done slowly to prevent stomach upset.


    • Keep feed and water buckets clean to prevent illness from bacteria. Clean these items daily.