How to Make a Horse Eat More Slowly

Some horses can't control their appetites; if you put out food for them, they'll simply eat as fast as they can until it's all gone. Controlling their overall food intake is as simple as limiting the amount they're given each day, but limiting their eating speed is a little trickier. If your horse has a habit of eating so quickly that it develops digestive problems, discomfort or colic, try this method of slowing things down.

Things You'll Need

  • Eating Trough
  • Hay
  • Oats
  • 12 Small Basketballs
  • Dish Soap
  • Water
  • Towels
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    • 1

      Find a supply of small basketballs that will not pose any choking risks to your horse. The ideal basketballs will be at least five inches in diameter, but may need to be larger if your horse has a larger jaw. Just be sure to choose a size that is too large for your horse to be able to bite or pick up in its mouth. Make sure that they are also constructed from the same heavy-duty rubber material that regulation basketballs are made from. These basketballs can be found at toy stores, general retailers, sporting good stores and novelty suppliers.

    • 2

      Wash all of the balls thoroughly with dish soap and warm water. Make sure that they're rinsed thoroughly as well. Dry each ball with a towel.

    • 3

      Make sure your horse is kept far enough away from its eating trough until you've had time to fully prepare it.

    • 4

      Place about one third of your horse's feed for a single feeding into the bottom of its eating trough. Spread out half of your basketballs over this layer of feed. Cover them with another third of the feed, and then spread out the rest of the basketballs. Cover the top with the remainder of the feed.

    • 5

      Allow your horse to eat and keep a close eye on the process for the first several feedings. You should find that the horse's rate of eating is slower because it has to constantly push the balls out of its way with its nose in order to reach more of the feed.

    • 6

      When the horse is done feeding, remove the basketballs.