How to Tie a Hay Net in a Horse Stall

Hay nets are useful, easy, and very portable. They can also be a deathtrap for your horse is not used properly. Here are some tips on how to safely tie a hay net in your horse's stall.

Things You'll Need

  • Hay net
  • Hook or place to tie above horse's head
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  1. Tying up a hay net

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      Make sure that the hay net is full of hay, and that you have stuffed the hay all the way to the bottom of the net. You need to be sure there is not any "extra" net hanging below the hay you have placed inside.

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      Tighten the top of the hay net so that it closes up as tight as it can. Usually, this is a drawstring and you simply pull it tight. Sometimes, you may have to tie it closed at the top.

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      Take the excess string and tie it to a secure anchor. In a stall, this can be the bars, the top of the stall, or a bucket hanger. Make sure you pull all the slack in the string up so that none is hanging low enough to entangle your horses legs.

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      It is imperative that you tie the net high enough to make sure that even when it is empty, the loops of the hay net are not low enough for your horse to get tangled in. Nylon is incredibly strong and your horse can severely injure himself if he becomes tangled in a nylon hay net.

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      Tie the next in a quick release knot, so that if you should need to loosen it in an emergency, you can with a simple pull. Always remove empty hay nets from stalls when you notice them.