How to Give a Horse Electrolytes

Electrolytes, which are necessary for proper hydration in animals, are available as supplements for horses when the weather starts to heat up in the summer. Although horses use electrolytes all year long, the quantity is depleted through sweat. If your horse is prone to dehydration or overhydration, or is particularly active during the summer, electrolyte supplements are required.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Grain
  • Powdered electrolytes
  • Sports drinks (optional)
  • Syringe
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      Sprinkle electrolytes in your horse's morning and evening feed. You can purchase electrolyte salts at a tack or feed store and they normally come in large buckets and are brightly colored for distinction. If your horse doesn't like the color or taste, mix it thoroughly with his grain.

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      Dissolve electrolytes in your horse's water supply. This only works if you provide water to your horse via a bucket that you fill every morning and won't be effective with an automatic waterer. Also, make sure that your horse is drinking his normal amount of water, as some horses will refuse liquids with electrolytes because of the taste.

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      Pour a light-colored sports drink into your horse's water supply. This is the easiest method when you don't have powdered electrolyte salt on hand, and your horse seems to be dehydrating at a rapid rate. Lemon, lime and clear sports drinks work best, or you can use the children's brands so there isn't too much sugar.

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      Administer electrolytes mixed with water in a syringe and shoot it down your horse's throat. This is most effective for extreme cases because your horse doesn't have the option to refuse drinking. You can also put a mixture of salt and water in the syringe instead of buying electrolytes.