How to Feed a Breeding Stallion

A breeding stallion has special nutritional needs that should be met during breeding season. He is working harder and probably not paying as much attention to his feed as he is to the mares. This causes many stallions to lose too much weight. Keep your breeding stallion healthy and well-fed by following these steps.


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      Keep the stallion in an area by himself where you can monitor his feed intake. Some stallions may refuse their feed or eat less during breeding season.

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      Add good-quality feed to the stallion's diet if he has been on only pasture and/or hay. Breeding stallions need extra nutrition during breeding season.

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      Feed the stallion supplements, minerals and salt in the form of a mineral or salt block. Some stallions need extra supplements during breeding season. Mixing supplements with the daily feed is the best way to ensure the stallion is getting all of his vitamins.

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      Put the stallion in a stall or pen away from mares when feeding him. If the mares are too close, he may choose to stand at the fence and not eat. If he won't eat away from the mares, have a pen for him next to the mare pen. Some stallions eat better when they can keep an eye on the mares.

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      Provide high-quality hay or pasture grass at all times to a breeding stallion. This roughage should be his main source of nutrition, with a good-quality feed and supplements adding to the diet.