How to Feed an Orphaned Foal

Foals, despite their size, are delicate creatures and ones who have been orphaned at or just after birth will need a great deal of care. Feeding them properly is a big step in keeping the foal alive and healthy. For particular instructions on what to feed foals, how much and when, consult with a veterinarian who has worked with orphaned foals in the past.


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      Feed the orphaned foal colostrum during the first 24 hours. This will supply the foal with immunoglobins and have a laxative effect for him. Use frozen colostrum if there are no other mares nearby that have foaled within the last 24 hours. You can use cow colostrum in a pinch. Feed the foal 200 ml of colostrum every 30 minutes for the first six hours.

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      Look for another nursing mare that may be able to provide milk for the foal. This is the best choice although it does not happen often.

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      Use milk replacer designed for horses. Goat replacement milk would be a second choice, but there are a variety of milk replacement choices for foals.

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      Sweeten your foal's replacement milk a bit with corn syrup when you first begin the replacement milk. Manufacturers will often make replacement milk a little off to prevent foals from overeating. Once the foal is drinking sufficient amounts of replacement, the corn syrup can gradually be removed. Adding a little yogurt to the replacement milk will give helpful elements to the digestive system and helps add a little solid food to the foal's diet.

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      Bottle feed for the first few days of the foal's life and after that, the foal can be fed out of a pail. Use a lamb's nipple for the bottle and feed frequent, small meals. With its mother, a foal will often drink up to 17 times in one hour. While the foal doesn't need to be feed that often with a bottle, it is important to do frequent feedings. Once the foal is feeding reliably you can make a self feeder out of an igloo cooler.

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      Give the foal milk replacement depending on his age and size. Foals can consume up to 25 percent of their body weight in dilute milk replacer each day without the risk of diarrhea. You should consult with a veterinarian or breeder who is familiar with orphaned foals for specific amounts and feeding schedules.