How to Find the Best Horse Hay

Feeding your horse hay not only provides nutrition but satisfies his roughage intake requirements. Horses are natural grazers who eat all day, and if they are kept in a stall or in a pasture with little or no grass, they will need hay to get by.

Things You'll Need

  • Contact numbers
  • Money
  • Vehicle
  • Hay
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      Check with area feed stores to see if they have hay.

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      Look at bulletin boards posted at feed stores and veterinarian clinics for hay ads. Also check the local newspaper.

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      Call all of the numbers you collect to check what type of hay the seller is offering. Also check the price of the hay.

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      Ask where the hay is stored.

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      Find out when the hay was baled.

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      Choose the hay that you would like to try after comparing the price, storage facilities and types of hay.

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      Look at the hay to determine if it is of good quality. Check for mold by smelling and feeling inside the bale. It should smell fresh.

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      If possible, take a handful of the hay and bring it to your local agriculture office. They will often test the hay for free and let you know the quality.