What eats mustangs?

Mustangs are large equines that are native to North America. They have few natural predators, but some animals do prey on them. The main predators of mustangs are:

1) Mountain Lions: Mountain lions are large, powerful predators that can take down prey much larger than themselves. They are known to hunt mustangs in some areas.

2) Wolves: Wolves are another natural predator of mustangs. They hunt in packs and can be very effective at bringing down prey.

3) Bears: Bears are opportunistic predators that will take down any prey that they can catch, including mustangs.

4) Coyotes: Coyotes are not typically able to take down adult mustangs, but they may prey on young mustangs or sick or injured adult mustangs.

5) Humans: Humans are also a predator of mustangs. Mustangs have been hunted for food, sport, and population control.